Earlier this year, I worked as a tech support specialist at Bose. If you're not familiar with the brand, they manufacture overpriced and overrated consumer audio equipment, then sell it to people who don't know how to spend their money. Since I know a great deal about their products, I decided to apply at one of the Bose stores in Manhattan. The shop is in SoHo and it's about the size of my bedroom. I expected something more grandiose to suit such an expensive label, but the employees inside were very hospitable. I filled out an application, and it just so happened that they're currently looking to fill a position. The manager said I can expect a call, so hopefully that'll work out.
Moe and I attended the Knitting Factory's Monday night TV party where they were showing Arrested Development for the month of September. I'm a big fan of the show, but the environment in the bar wasn't quite suitable. The people talked during the episodes, which is totally expected, but in effect they had to blast the sound of the TV which caused everyone to yell at each other all night. You got a PBR and a shot for $5, and they had a frozen banana stand. They literally built a large yellow banana stand to resemble the one in the show. Kudos. We caught the tail end of the episodes and drank too much for our own good. We trudged home dehydrated, disoriented, and just all around grungy.
There's a Russian vagrant sleeping on our couch. He got dropped off because Moe's friend was letting him sleep at his place, but couldn't host him anymore for some reason. He doesn't talk a lot, or do much of anything at all. For the first day of staying with us, he sat in the living room, spending most of his time in a chair looking out the window. I approached him and suggested that he visit Manhattan or prospect park. He wasn't really into it, and continued to sit in silence. He's a real barrel of laughs. I spoke to him a couple times before I left that day, this basically sums it up:
Me: So Sergi, what's Russia like?
Him: Iz cold all the time.
Me: Why don't you take the train into the city?
Him: No, I don't want.
I'll miss him when he's gone. I'll miss his smile, and all the fun times we had. But most of all, I'll miss how he made me feel: really uncomfortable.
That night I saw Deerhunter at the SoHo Apple Store. Free show! It was sweet, and the sound was exceptional. I went to the bathroom afterwards and ran into the drummer. I told him how the set was great, and he was very polite. But he washed his hands and then went for a hand shake. Now, any dude knows that physical contact in the bathroom is a big no-no. A simple pat on the back will get you chastised by even the most unscrupulous of men. I didn't hesitate, I shook his hand. And it was wonderful, but a little moist.
Directly after the show, we headed to Lulu's in Greenpoint. This place was the tits. If you ask kindly, they'll give you free pizza when you order a drink. We got High Lifes, and expected to get a stale slice of whatever pie. But, there was a pizza oven and legit ingredients in sight. We presented our tickets and we each got a delicious personal pizza. Delizioso! They had the Office playing, and I'm pretty sure the place was filled with lesbians. We played pool and arcade games, and overall it was kick ass. Good job Lulu's, and as a reward for your excellence, please accept this Ryan Clark Stamp of Approval.

After the bar, we decided to walk home. Greenpoint to Flatbush, basically a straight shot south on Bedford Ave. That's almost 6 miles dude! Tonight, I'm on my way to NH to play a show tomorrow night. Duty calls.
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